Thursday, December 29, 2005

Label yourself

OK its been a while, but here is some interesting stuff, which allows you to do the fun thing of putting labels on people.

Someone sent me two tests to take to help identify yourself.

The first is a test to define yourself politically and you can take the test here
I took it and here are my results:

You are a
Social Conservative
(38% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(36% permissive)
You are best described as a:

You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

This shows what I have been saying all along that I am a centrist and everyone who disagrees with me are exremists.

(I think I would come out less centrist if this test was centered around Israeli Politcal issues though)
The truth is this test surprised me, since I didn't think I would end up where I did.

The next test has more of a religious bent and is here

For this my results are:

Left Wing Modern Orthodox: 17%
Right Wing Modern Orthodox: 55%
Left Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 74%
Right Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 45%

This means you're: Left Wing Yeshivish


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Reminder of a classic

Today's Quote of the Day immediately reminded me that this same lesson can be learned from one of the great literary classics:

Cecil Baxter: "'You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty.'"

That classic of course is "The Cat in the Hat Came Back"

which once again reminds you that "Everything important I learned in Kindergarten" - which is the name of an apparaently humorous book but one I haven't read. But, being able to reference books - even without having read them is an important part in appearing intelligent.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Expect Nothing

Relating to the earlier theme of my welcome message, this quote is quite relevant:
Alexander Pope: "'Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.'"

Of course, there are related Jewish ideas (Hasmeach Bechelko and all) but my quote of the day feed didn't give me those.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Israeli Politics

Somehow Israeli politics makes this quote even more applicable:
Larry Hardiman: "'The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.'"


Here is the blog.
Some may think that the name of this blog (Ein Shem) is a placeholder for one till I think of somwthing better.
But no, I think it kind of symbolizes this blog.
Most blogs start with a welcome in which people promise how their blogs will do this or that and will grow as they have new ideas to put there.
Not me. I promise nothing from this blog. I may never have anything good to put here. That's what makes this so much fun.
It's kind of a "maybe you'll get lucky" kind of thing. But as in life - you probably won't.
